Please read this document carefully. It constitutes the Legal Notice and privacy policy governing access, browsing and use of the website located at the URL (hereinafter, the “Website”).

Access, browsing and use of the Website implies express and unreserved acceptance of all the terms hereof, having the same validity and effectiveness as any written and signed contract.

Its observance and compliance shall be enforceable with respect to any person accessing, browsing or using the Web Site. If you do not agree with the above terms, do not access, browse or use the Website.



TAX ID: B71488399

Registered Address: Pol. Ind. Comarca II, Calle A, Nave 9, 31191 de Barbatáin (Navarra).

Registration data: Registered in the Mercantile Register of Navarra. Volume 2119. Folio 88. Sheet NA-42418. Inscription 1ª.


Telephone: 948102014


The present Legal Notice and privacy policy establishes the terms and conditions (hereinafter, the “Terms and Conditions”) by which the access, navigation and use of the Web Site is regulated, without prejudice that Gurpea, as owner of the web, reserves the right to modify the presentation, configuration and content of the same, as well as the conditions required for its access and/or use. The access and/or use of the Website after the entry into force of its modifications or changes implies the acceptance of the same.

However, access to certain content and the use of certain services may be subject to certain special conditions, which will be clearly displayed and must be expressly accepted by users. These particular conditions may replace, complete or, as the case may be, modify those established in this document.


By reading this document we inform you about the way in which Gurpea collects, treats and protects the personal data provided through the website, as well as the data derived from your navigation or provided through the online forms and those other data that you may provide in the future to the company through any enabled means.

You should carefully read this Legal Notice and privacy policy, which has been drafted in a clear and simple manner, to facilitate its understanding, and allow you to freely and voluntarily determine whether you wish to provide your personal data to Gurpea Green Tech.


Access to and browsing of the Web Site is free of charge and does not require registration. The access and use of the Web Site implies that the user of the same accepts in its entirety and is obliged to comply completely with this Legal Notice, as well as the instructions or recommendations that are indicated in each specific case through the Web Site.


Gurpea Green Tech, or any company of the group, are owners or, where appropriate, have the corresponding licenses on the rights of exploitation of intellectual and industrial property necessary to operate the Website, as well as all the content offered on it, including the platform itself, texts, photographs or illustrations, logos, trademarks, graphics, designs, interfaces, or any other information or content, and services available through it.

In no case shall it be understood that the access, browsing and use of the Website by the user implies a waiver, transmission, license or total or partial transfer of such rights by the company. The user has the right to use the contents and/or services of the Website solely for the purpose of enjoying the services provided hereunder.

References to registered trademarks or trade names, or other distinctive signs, whether owned by Gurpea Green Tech, any company in its group or third parties, imply a prohibition on their use without the consent of the company or its rightful owners. At no time the access, navigation or use of the Web Site and / or its contents gives the user any right over distinctive signs included therein, unless otherwise provided herein.

All intellectual and industrial property rights over the contents and/or services of the Website are reserved and, in particular, it is forbidden to modify, copy, reproduce, publicly communicate, transform or distribute, by any means and under any form, all or part of the contents included in the Website, for any purpose, without the prior, express and written authorization of the company.

Likewise, it is forbidden to remove or manipulate the copyright indications or other credits that identify the holders of the rights of the contents that the user finds on the Web Site, as well as the technical protection devices, or any mechanism or information incorporated into the contents offered on the Web Site.

In the event that the user sends information or content of any kind to the Owner through any of the channels provided for that purpose, the user represents, warrants and agrees that he/she has the right to do so freely, that such information does not infringe any intellectual property rights, industrial, trade secret or any other rights of third parties, and that such information is not confidential or harmful to third parties.

The user acknowledges that he/she assumes responsibility, indemnifying the Owner, for any communication or content sent personally or on his/her behalf.

If the user becomes aware of the existence of any content that is illicit, illegal, contrary to law or that could involve an infringement of intellectual property rights, industrial, or any other kind, you must immediately notify the Holder through the email address so that it can proceed to the adoption of appropriate measures.

In the event that any user or third party considers that any of the contents of the Website owned by the company violates any of their rights, they should send a communication to with the following information:

  • Identification data and means of contact of the claimant or his legal representative.
  • Documentation that accredits its condition of Holder of the allegedly infringed rights.
  • Detailed account of the rights allegedly infringed by Gurpea, as well as its location on the Web.
  • Express statement by the claimant that the use of the contents has been made without consent and the rights allegedly infringed.



In the event that the Website shows links to other web pages by means of different buttons, links, banners and/or embedded contents, Gurpea informs you that these are managed by third parties, and the owner of this Website does not have the human or technical means to know in advance and/or control and/or approve all the information, contents, products or services provided by other platforms to which links may be established from the Website. The company assumes no responsibility whatsoever for any aspect related to the platform or web page to which a link may be established from the Website.

If users have actual knowledge that the activities carried out through these third party websites are illegal or contravene morality and / or public order, they must immediately notify the Owner of the website in order to disable the link to access them, an action that will be carried out as soon as possible. In any case, the establishment of any type of link from the Website to another external website does not imply that there is any kind of relationship, collaboration or dependence between The Company and the third party.


The Company may make available to Users, through different tools and applications, means of linking that allow Users to access the channels and pages of the Website that it maintains on different platforms and social networks belonging to and/or managed by third parties (e.g. Linkedin). The inclusion of these links on the Website has the sole purpose of providing users with access to these channels on the different platforms and social networks. The establishment of these applications does not imply the existence of any relationship between the company and the owner, manufacturer or distributor of the linked platform, nor the acceptance and approval by the company of its contents and / or services, being the owner, manufacturer or distributor solely responsible for them.

In any case the company shares social networks any private information about its users, being its sole purpose as set out in this Legal Notice and Privacy Policy. In this sense, all the information that the user wishes to provide to these platforms will be under his own responsibility, not intervening the company in this process.

ince the company has no control over the content hosted on such channels, the user acknowledges and agrees that the company assumes no responsibility for the content or services that the user can access on these pages, or for any content, products, services, advertising, or any other material available on them.


The company does not authorize the establishment of a link to the Web Site from those pages that contain materials, information or contents that are illicit, illegal, degrading, obscene and, in general, that contravene the laws, morality or public order, or generally accepted social norms.

Los usuarios podrán establecer, en páginas web de su titularidad, enlaces que dirijan al Sitio Web, siempre y cuando cumplan con las siguientes condiciones: a) el enlace no podrá reproducir el contenido del Sitio Web o partes del mismo de ninguna forma; b) no está permitido crear un browser ni un border environment sobre las secciones del Sitio Web, ni de ninguna otra forma podrá modificarse el Sitio Web; c) no está permitido realizar manifestaciones o indicaciones falsas o inexactas o incorrectas sobre el Sitio Web y/o, en particular, declarar o dar a entender que La empresa ha autorizado el enlace o que ha supervisado o asumido de cualquier forma los contenidos o servicios ofrecidos o puestos a disposición en la página web en la que se establece dicho enlace; d) la página web en la que se establezca el enlace al Sitio Web no contendrá informaciones o contenidos ilícitos, contrarios a la moral y buenas costumbres generalmente aceptadas y al orden público, así como tampoco contendrá contenidos contrarios a cualesquiera derechos de terceros, incluidos los derechos de propiedad intelectual o industrial y/o el derecho al honor, a la intimidad personal o familiar o a la propia imagen o de cualquier otro derecho, o contenidos contrarios a las normas reguladoras de la protección de datos de carácter personal.

Gurpea does not have human or technical means to know, control or approve all the information provided by other websites that have established links to the Website. The company does not assume any type of responsibility by any aspect relative to the web page that establishes that link with destiny to the Web Site.


  1. It is not permitted, and therefore the consequences will be the sole responsibility of the user, to access or use the Website for illegal or unauthorized purposes, whether for profit or not. In particular, and without the following list being restrictive in nature, it is forbidden:
  2. Use the Website in any way that may cause damage, interruptions, inefficiencies or defects in its operation or in the computer equipment of a third party;
  3. Use the Web Site for the transmission, installation or publication of any viruses, malicious code or other harmful programs or files;
  4. Use the Web Site to collect personal data of other users, without taking into account the regulations in force regarding data protection
  5. Use the Web Site illegally, against good faith, morality and public order;
  6. Register or contact the company through the Website with a false identity, impersonating third parties or using a profile or performing any other action that may confuse other users about the user’s identity;
  7. Gaining unauthorized access to any section of the Website, other systems or networks connected to the Website, The Company’s servers, or services offered through the Website, by hacking or forging, password mining or any other illegitimate means;
  8. Breach, or attempt to breach, the security or authentication measures of the Website or any network connected to the Website, or the security or protection measures inherent in the content offered on the Website;
  9. Carry out any action that causes a disproportionate or unnecessary saturation in the infrastructure of the Website or in the systems or networks of The Company, as well as in the systems and networks connected to the Website; or
  10. Impede the normal development of any activity available through the Website or any of its functionalities, either by altering or attempting to alter, illegally or in any other way, the access, participation or operation of the same, or by falsifying the result of the same and/or using fraudulent participation methods, by any procedure, and/or through any practice that violates or infringes these terms and conditions.

The breach of any of the above obligations by the user may lead to the adoption by the company of appropriate measures covered by law and in the exercise of their rights or obligations, and may lead to the removal or blocking of the account of the offending user, without the possibility of any compensation for damages caused.

Also, if you find any information or content on the Web Site that may be inappropriate, contrary to current regulations, or contrary to the conditions set out in the Web Site, please inform the company immediately through the various means provided for this purpose.


Gurpea cannot guarantee the reliability, usefulness or veracity of absolutely all the information and/or services of the Website, nor the usefulness or veracity of the documentation made available through the Website.

Consequently, the company does not guarantee and is not responsible for:

  • the continuity of the contents of the Web Site;
  • the absence of errors in said contents;
  • the absence of viruses and/or other harmful components in the Web Site or in the server that supplies it;
  • the invulnerability of the Web Site and/or the impossibility of violating the security measures adopted therein;
  • the lack of usefulness or performance of the contents of the Web Site; and (vi) the damages caused, to himself or to a third party, by any person who infringes the conditions, rules and instructions that the company establishes on the Web Site or through the violation of the security systems of the Web Site.

Nevertheless, the company declares that it has taken all necessary measures, within its possibilities and the state of the art, to ensure the operation of the Website and minimize system errors, both from a technical point of view and the contents published on the Website, as well as to prevent the existence and transmission of viruses and other harmful components to the computer systems of users.

The company does not guarantee the legality, reliability and usefulness of the contents provided by third parties through the Web Site. If the user becomes aware of the existence of any content that is illicit, illegal, contrary to the law or that could infringe the rights of third parties, the user must immediately notify the company so that it can proceed to the adoption of appropriate measures.

The company is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness or updating of the information published on the Website from sources outside the same, nor for those contained in other platforms that are linked from the Website. The company will not assume any responsibility for hypothetical damages that may arise from the use of such information.


The company offers its users a channel through which you can communicate and bring to its attention the existence of any content with respect to which the user considers that they are contrary to the law or violate the legitimate rights of third parties. If you become aware of any of the above circumstances, you should immediately inform the company, so that it can review the content communicated and, if necessary, can proceed to its removal or disabling, writing to the email address


The company reserves the right to suspend, modify, restrict or interrupt, either temporarily or permanently, access, navigation, use, hosting and/or downloading of content and/or use of Website services, with or without prior notice, to users who contravene any of the provisions detailed in this Legal Notice, without the possibility of the user being able to claim any compensation for this cause.


In accordance with the provisions of Regulation 2016/679 (EU) General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data and the Organic Law 3/2018, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights, all personal data provided during the use of the Website will be treated in accordance with the provisions of the law and conditions of use of that domain that we proceed to expose below:

Obligatory nature of providing data.

This website may have data collection forms, complying with current legislation insofar as only data from the owner will be requested, in general, mandatory (unless otherwise specified in the required field) to fulfill the established purposes.

The content of any mail received through the address contained in this legal notice will be the responsibility of the sender, exonerating Gurpea of any responsibility for it.

For what purposes will the company process the personal data and for how long?

Depending on the requests and interaction you make, the personal data collected will be processed by the company according to the following purposes:

To respond to requests for information that you make to us, through the address provided for this purpose on the Website or through Social Networks:

  • To manage, process and respond to requests for information.
  • To attend and solve User’s queries regarding the company and the activities it organizes and/or promotes.

The data will be kept for the management of the request made and, solved this, for a period of one year.

To address incidents, complaints and claims that you make to us, through the address provided for this purpose on the Website or through Social Networks:

  • To attend, manage, process and respond to incidents, complaints and/or claims regarding the company and the activities it organizes and/or promotes.

The data will be kept for the management of the complaint made or incident reported, during the period in which responsibilities could arise for Gurpea.

To contact or keep you informed:

  • To manage the sending of communications about activities, events, products and services of The company, when appropriate and provided that you give us your consent to that effect.

The data will be kept as long as you do not oppose or revoke your consent.

To manage the receipt of resumes, interview management, coverage of vacancies if applicable:

  • Evaluate and manage your job application and if necessary, carry out the necessary actions for the selection and recruitment of personnel, in order to offer you positions that fit your profile.
  • To manage the reception of resumes through the corporate Web, to be able to contact the interested parties and to manage a possible interview or coverage of the position if there is a vacancy.

Unless otherwise indicated, the provision of the required data is necessary, so its non-provision will prevent the continuity of the selection process.

The data will be kept as long as they are up to date. In cases where they remain out of date for more than two years, they will be deleted or blocked.

To deal with complaints made through the complaints channel enabled ad hoc, through the address provided for this purpose on the corporate website.

  • To attend, manage, process and respond to complaints made in compliance with Law 2/2023.

The data will be kept for the management of the complaint made during the period in which responsibilities could arise for Gurpea, as long as permitted by law.

What data will the company process?

The company may process the following categories of data, depending on the request made:

  • Identifying data: name, surname and, where appropriate, ID card.
  • Contact data: e-mail (address and/or telephone number) that you wish to provide us with.

In the event that you send us your curriculum to the address provided and/or form established for this purpose, the company will also process the following categories of data:

  • Data of an identifying nature: name, surname, ID card number, postal address, e-mail address, image, postal code, telephone, social security number, telephone, signature and vehicle registration number if necessary for access and parking on the premises.
  • Data relating to personal characteristics; marital status, family data, date of birth, place of birth, sex, nationality, mother tongue, physical or anthropometric characteristics.
  • Academic and professional data: training/qualifications, student record, professional experience, membership of professional associations.
  • Economic, financial, banking and insurance data.
  • Data relating to social circumstances: characteristics of accommodation, housing, family situation, property, possessions, hobbies and lifestyle, membership of clubs and associations, licenses, permits or authorizations.

In case you provide data of third parties, you represent that you have the consent of these and agree to transfer the information contained in this Legal Notice and Privacy Policy, exempting the company from any liability in this regard. However, the company may carry out the necessary verifications to verify this fact, adopting the corresponding due diligence measures, in accordance with data protection regulations.

What is the legitimacy of the processing of your data?

The treatment of the User’s data by Gurpea Green Tech is based on the consent that we request when appropriate, the legitimacy derived from the provision of contracted and/or requested services and the legitimate interest of the company to respond to emails received. In addition, the treatment will be based on compliance with current legislation (as is the case of Law 2/2023).

In the case of sending a curriculum vitae, we inform you that your data will be processed on the basis of your consent, which you can withdraw at any time, although this would mean that your application could not be taken into account in our recruitment processes. However, the withdrawal of your consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing previously carried out.

The consents obtained for the aforementioned purposes are independent, so the User may revoke only one of them without affecting the others. However, in case of withdrawal of consent, this will not affect the lawfulness of the processing previously carried out.

To which recipients will your data be communicated?

The data will not be communicated to third parties except in the cases legally foreseen. Although your data may be accessible by third parties that provide services to Gurpea, such as hosting providers or computer development among others. In no case these third parties are authorized to treat them for their own purposes, such as sending commercial information or provide the data to other entities, without your prior consent.


The User:

  • Guarantees to be over 18 years of age and that the data provided to the company are true, accurate, complete and updated. To these effects, the User is responsible for the veracity of all the data that he/she communicates and will keep the information provided conveniently updated, in such a way that it corresponds to his/her real situation.
  • He/she guarantees that he/she has informed the third parties from whom he/she provides his/her data, in case he/she does so, of the aspects contained in this document. You also guarantee that you have obtained their authorization to provide their data to The Company for the purposes indicated.
  • You will be liable for any false or inaccurate information that you provide through the Website and for any damages, direct or indirect, that this causes to the company or third parties.


The User may send a letter to the company, to the address indicated in the heading of this policy, or by e-mail to the address with the Reference “Data Protection”, attaching a document that allows proof of identity, at any time and free of charge, in order to:

  • Revoke the consents granted.
  • Access to your personal data.
  • Rectify inaccurate or incomplete data.
  • Request the deletion of your data when, among other reasons, the data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected.
  • Obtain from The Company the limitation of data processing when any of the conditions provided for in the data protection regulations are met.
  • Request the portability of their data to another data controller.

Likewise, the User is informed that at any time may lodge a complaint regarding the protection of their personal data before the Spanish Data Protection Agency at the address Calle de Jorge Juan, 6, 28001 Madrid or, when they understand that their rights have not been respected.


The company will treat the User’s data at all times in an absolutely confidential manner and keeping the mandatory duty of secrecy regarding them, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable regulations, adopting for this purpose the necessary technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of your data and avoid its alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access, taking into account the state of technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which they are exposed.


The headings of the various clauses are for information purposes only, and shall not affect, qualify or expand the interpretation of this Legal Notice and privacy policy. Likewise, The company may modify the terms and conditions stipulated herein, in whole or in part, by publishing any changes in the same form in which this document appears or through any type of communication addressed to users.

The temporary validity of this Legal Notice and privacy policy coincides, therefore, with the time of its exposure, until it is modified in whole or in part, at which time the modified text will become effective.

Regardless of the provisions of the particular conditions that may be established, the company may terminate, suspend or interrupt, at any time and without prior notice, access to the contents of the Website, without the possibility for the user to claim any compensation. After such termination, the prohibitions of use of the contents set out above in this Legal Notice and privacy policy shall remain in force.

The company informs that it may inform and collaborate in a timely manner with the competent police and judicial authorities if it detects any infringement of current legislation or if it suspects the commission of any crime.

In the event of any discrepancy between the provisions of this Legal Notice and privacy policy and the particular conditions of each specific service of the Website, the provisions of the latter shall prevail.

In the event that any provision of this text is declared invalid or unenforceable, in whole or in part, by any court, tribunal or competent administrative body, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect the remaining provisions thereof. The failure of The Company to exercise or enforce any right or provision contained in this Legal Notice and Privacy Policy shall not constitute a waiver thereof.


The regulations in force shall determine the laws that must govern and the jurisdiction that must know the relations between Gurpea and the users. However, provided that such regulations provide for the possibility for the parties to submit to a particular jurisdiction, for any dispute arising out of or related to this Website shall apply Spanish law in force at the time of the dispute. Likewise, the company and the users, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them, and provided that the legislation so permits, submit to the Courts and Tribunals of Pamplona (Navarra).

To file claims in the use of our services, you can contact us by mail to the electronic or physical address indicated in the “Identification” section, committing ourselves to seek at all times an amicable solution to the conflict.

Last update: November 2023.